The foundation of GAIA-X is officially confirmed by the new association status – the Silicon Economy, a unique use case for the powerful and secure data infrastructure in Europe is already developing.

After the 22 founding members had signed and submitted the founding documents in September last year, it is now official: the GAIA-X organization has obtained the status of an international non-profit association under Belgian law. The interest of companies and research organization in a membership is huge – not only in Europe but worldwide.

Fraunhofer is one of the key players in building the federal data infrastructure for Europe: With the International Data Spaces, the foundations for secure and sovereign data spaces were already laid. The Silicon Economy will also make a significant contribution to the implementation of GAIA-X as an initiative of Fraunhofer IML: the innovation and development projects will take care of the transformation of GAIA-X into professional. »GAIA-X is an important infrastructure for storing, managing and using data in terms of the Silicon Economy«, according to Andreas Nettsträter, responsible for networking and knowledge transfer in the project. Basics and results from both GAIA-X and the International Data Spaces have been added to the innovation projects from the very beginning of the Silicon Economy.

You can find out more about GAIA-X on the website of the recently formed association. 

Picture: Fraunhofer ISST