In the context of the pitches made by the most important logistics think tanks at the German Logistics Congress, Fraunhofer IML presented the LoadRunner as a contribution to the Silicon Economy.

»Digital infrastructure for autonomous vehicle swarms« was the official title for the pitch by Christian Prasse, Head of Strategic Development at Fraunhofer IML and responsible for community management in the »Silicon Economy Logistics Ecosystem« project. Christian Prasse headed his video contribution with the title »only flying is faster«. It included many scenes from both the development and operation of this autonomous high-speed vehicle with its huge performance for sorting while on the move. On the basis of the video that accompanied the approximately eight-minute presentation, the spectators gained a real impression of the speed and efficiency of the LoadRunners®.

In the respective technical sequence at the German Logistics Congress of the Supply Chain Network (BVL – Bundesvereinigung Logistik), a total of nine representatives from the science and business communities shared the latest research findings with the participants in exciting pitches in this first digital edition of the event due to the corona pandemic.

The prototype was developed within the context of a research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. In the project, which has since been completed, the feasibility of the concept for infrastructure-reduced logistics has already been proven. »The potential is great – but to fully exploit it, we must put the prototype into practice«, in his presentation Christian Prasse outlined exemplary application scenarios for high-speed sorting, for baggage claim at airports and in production supply or disposal. At the same time, he pointed out that the LoadRunner® perfectly »fits into the Silicon Economy as a vehicle for the platform economy.«