To strengthen Germany’s world-leading position as a logistics location – that is one of the targets of the »Innovation Program Logistics 2030« which is also funding the Silicon Economy.
The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) is funding the Silicon Economy project with 25 million euros as part of its logistics program. Here in the Silicon Economist blog, Andreas Scheuer, Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, explains why this project in particular is very special for his ministry and the future of logistics. »Intelligent, sustainable, networked: this is what logistics of the future will be like. Thanks to digital applications and artificial intelligence, all processes along the supply chain will become more automated and more efficient in future«, says Scheuer in his guest article.
With the Silicon Economy, logistics is being completely rethought and, most importantly, is becoming fully digital to cover everything from orders to the payment process. The main focus is on creating a fully digitized and automated logistics chain across all kinds of transportation, e.g., exchanging information within large supply chains and logistics networks, electronic shipment information or fully automated, AI-based arrival time predictions. Scheuer goes on to explain that another unique feature of the Silicon Economy is that corporations, medium-sized companies and start-ups can all contribute equally to developing, designing and using it – each company in its own way.