Blockchain Europe, one of the two most important innovation projects within the Silicon Economy, found out within its »blockchain quick checks« that already one out of three companies can optimize its processes with blockchain today. For nine out of ten companies that made the blockchain quick check on the Blockchain Europe website so far, the blockchain technology can therefore generate significant added value. Since the online tool was made available about six months ago, a total of 144 companies have taken part in the Quick Check. According to that Quick Check, 82 companies (57 %) have high potential and 46 companies (32 %) even very high potential for the implementation of the new technology. The Blockchain Quick Check offers companies the possibility to find out whether the blockchain could fit their company. At the same, they can get one step closer to developing their own blockchain use case.
The evaluation shows this in detail:
- 91 per cent rely on shared data storage. According to Blockchain Quick Check, 65 per cent of the participating companies consider a shared data storage with read and write access for several parties to be sensible, 26 per cent can perhaps imagine using it – i.e. a total of 91 percent.
- 80 per cent more security and transparency. More than half of the companies (57%) stated that there are conflicts of interest among the partners in their network, which entail increased requirements for security as well as transparency in data exchange. After all, nearly every fourth participant (23%) even explained that partners from the network are not supposed to be trustworthy, e.g. because one believes that their data is not complete. Together, that accounts for 80 per cent of the companies.
The statements left no room for misinterpretation and surprised the blockchain experts: »Indeed, we expected in principle that the use of a decentralized, transparent network for the automated and secure exchange of data between different parties, as represented by the blockchain, would result in added value for the majority of participating companies«, said Maik Hausmann who developed the Quick Check. »However, the fact that one in three companies even has specific opportunities for optimizing existing processes and for developing new products and services shows us that we are absolutely right in the assessment of our further offers.«
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